Sunday, November 23, 2008

MiSsIoN aDmIsSiOn .......

hi , 
Its been quite long since i last wrote in . 
Well ,  my article had got published in the "Hindu " newspaper on the 11Th November 2008 ,
I had submitted it back in the month of may and kept checking the newspaper every day to see if my article had got published .I had lost all hopes by the end of June, when on a fine November 11Th ,i see to my utter astonishment my article published in the paper . I chose to write on the topic of how difficult it is for a student to chose the right college and the perfect combination . Although a lot of changes  were made in what i submitted , i still loved to admire the neat effect of my work . I was completely overwhelmed by the response that poured in from relatives and friends on seeing my article . 
 So  that event adds to another feather in my cap .

thats it for now . 

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